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Expected delivery by 27/02/2025 and free shipping on orders over €100.
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Art.N.: 002173786
Cellulite is an obsession for many people and often it is difficult to get rid of. The first step in fighting it is to not worry about it, because it doesn't change who you are. The second is to choose the right treatment for you. These single-use anti-cellulite wraps in elastic fabric are an ideal anti-cellulite treatment. They are soaked in a saturated saline solution based on C-Oligoblend, a blend of trace elements that makes leg and stomach skin more toned and compact, helping to counteract the way that cellulite typically manifests itself on the skin. Easy to apply, they are the perfect treatment for those looking for an effective solution to reduce blemishes. To reduce fatigue and swelling of the legs just apply the anti-cellulite wraps from the ankles to the upper thighs. While to tone the stomach and hips apply the wraps from above the knee to the waist. If you want to maximise the effect, just repeat once a week for a month. Do you want to keep track of the effect of the treatment? Measure the areas that you want to treat with a tape measure both before and after using the wraps. You will see the difference right away! So, if you want to forget about your cellulite, our anti-cellulite wraps are for you, but remember that loving yourself as you are is much more important!
Shipping all over Europe: Standard at € 4.95 and Express at € 9.95.
Free returns: you can send any items ordered back to us free of charge within 30 days of the order being placed.
Tracking: log into your customer account, in the section "My Orders" to track your orders.