
Shop without worries: you have 30 days to change your mind! To make the return of your purchases on, you have 30 days for your return from OVS, these are calculated from the day you received the package with your order.

If you placed the order as a registered user, log into your personal area, click on "My Orders", select the order you wish to return, and click "Return". If you placed the order as a guest, go to the section for non-registered users at and proceed with the return request directly from there by selecting the order you wish to return and clicking "Return". In both cases, a page will be shown where you can select the items you want to return and confirm the process. After submitting the return request, you will receive an email confirming the return process has been started.
Once the return request is complete, prepare your items for shipping by attaching the prepaid label inside the original box (or another similarly durable package) to cover the original shipping label. To send your package, you must schedule a pick-up with our UPS courier. You can schedule the pick-up by phone or directly on the website. By phone, the operator will ask for the necessary information for the pick-up, such as the address, whether or not you have the return label, and a convenient time for the pick-up.
If you schedule the pick-up online at, you only need to complete the form in the following link: You can also drop your package off at a UPS Access Point: a full list of points and opening hours is available on the UPS website. You will be given a receipt with a tracking code for your shipment and the Access Point number. The UPS website will provide you with the date the package is accepted at the Access Point, as well as tracking for your package until it reaches our warehouse.
Returned products to OVS must be sent in a single shipment. Once we receive the package, we will verify that your return was activated correctly through the portal before the 30 working days deadline from delivery, and that the return complies with the declared items. After a positive check of these points, we will proceed with the refund to the payment method used.

You will find the return label inside your order or you can download it during the return process activation online.

No, it is not possible to exchange products purchased on However, you can return your items, except for underwear and fragrance products, unless they are in their original sealed packaging, by activating the return process and getting a refund for the payment made for the purchase, without any additional cost.