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Expected delivery by 27/02/2025 and free shipping on orders over €100.
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Art.N.: 002081157
A toner containing 72.6% Black bee propolis, and 10% Honey extract to leave skin radiant and smooth. It works in synergy with the best-selling Full Fit Propolis Light Ampoule: the combination of the two propolis-based products will plump and nourish your skin better than just one product on its own.
Shipping all over Europe: Standard at € 4.95 and Express at € 9.95.
Free returns: you can send any items ordered back to us free of charge within 30 days of the order being placed.
Tracking: log into your customer account, in the section "My Orders" to track your orders.
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Full Fit Propolis Synergy Toner 150ml (EU)
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