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Expected delivery by 03/03/2025 and free shipping on orders over €100.
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Art.N.: 002174294
When your skin is greasier than your favourite chips, there's no need to panic. First of all remember that a little oil is normal and also healthy for your skin. Under normal conditions it is indispensable: it protects and strengthens the skin and helps maintain the hydrolipidic balance of the skin. Excess oil, however, could make your skin shiny and oily, leading to blackheads and spots. If this is your case, do not panic: we have developed a re-balancing face tonic that will turn your situation around! In fact, this face tonic is the perfect accompaniment to face your skin's imperfections with serenity. Thanks to the formula based on P-Niactive, it is mattifying and smoothing from the first application, rebalancing the physiological production of oil, strengthening the skin's defences and counteracting dehydration. In short, a face tonic that is much more than a face tonic: it is a real treatment with a rebalancing action that will become one of your skincare essentials!
Shipping all over Europe: Standard at € 4.95 and Express at € 9.95.
Free returns: you can send any items ordered back to us free of charge within 30 days of the order being placed.
Tracking: log into your customer account, in the section "My Orders" to track your orders.
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